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MC139 SP NOTICE: eBay Ask Seller a Question or Contact eBay



13 Янв 2009
пришло письмо с темой: MC139 SP NOTICE: eBay Ask Seller a Question or Contact eBay Member Alert

Подскажите плиз что оно обозначает (в инглише не силен), спасибо


Hello ... (...@ymail.com),

Our records show that you recently received an email from 15042008 through the Ask Seller a Question or Contact eBay Member features. This email may be fraudulent and an attempt to do one of the following:

- Obtain your eBay password
- Gain access to your eBay account
- Use your eBay account for fraudulent activity
- Set up an outside-of-eBay transaction which may be fraudulent

This kind of email is often called a "phish" or "phishing attempt," and the people who send them are known as "phishers." Phishers use these methods to try to get your personal information, such as user names, passwords and credit card details. Because the emails may sometimes come through the eBay system, the phisher may seem to be trustworthy and have a good reason to contact you.

***Important - Protect Your Personal Information***
- Don't reply to the sender either through the eBay system or your personal email account.

- Don't open any links or cut and paste any Web addresses into your browser from the phishing email.

- If you think you may have entered personal information such as your password, Social Security Number, or credit card information into a website based on a request from a phishing email, you need to act *immediately* to protect yourself from identity theft. For detailed instructions about the steps to take, please go to:

***What to Do If You've Already Sent an Item or Payment***
If you've already sent payment to or shipped an item to a person who asked that you take the transaction outside of eBay, we recommend you take the following steps:

1. Contact the payment service that you used to make the purchase. If you paid by credit card, most card issuers provide consumer protection in online fraud cases.

2. Please complete the "Item Bought Outside of eBay" form or the "Item Sold Outside of eBay" form. To find these forms, please go to:


Click the "Item Bought Outside of eBay form" or the "Item Sold Outside of eBay form" link. Enter your information in the page that follows, and then click the "Submit" button. The information you provide will enable us to work more effectively with law enforcement in case an investigation occurs.

3. If you were the seller and shipped the item to a fraudulent buyer, contact the shipping carrier that you used. That company may be able to assist you further. If you sent the item through the U.S. Postal Service, file a mail fraud claim. To do so, please visit:


4. Contact the local law enforcement where you sent the payment or item. The authorities where the seller or the buyer lives might be able to provide additional assistance. To find local law enforcement, go to:


***Additional Account Safety Tips***
To protect your email and your eBay account, we recommend that you always follow these safety tips:

- Do *not* respond to the sender either through the eBay system or your email account. An offer to buy or sell an item outside of eBay is against eBay policies, might be fraudulent, and will not be covered by eBay protection programs.

- If you received what appears to be a Second Chance Offer for an item that you recently bid on, check My Messages to make sure the offer is legitimate. Second Chance Offers appear in My Messages with a blue background and a subject stating, "eBay Second Chance Offer for Item...."

- If you receive a Second Chance Offer directly in your personal email and it is not in My Messages, it is not a legitimate offer.

- If a Second Chance Offer appears in My Messages with a subject line of "Message from eBay Member," it is not a legitimate offer. Before responding to a Second Chance Offer, make sure it contains both the blue background in My Messages and the subject line of "eBay Second Chance Offer for Item…"

- Never pay for an item you've bought on eBay by using instant cash or wire transfer services such as Western Union or MoneyGram. These payment methods are unsafe on eBay. It's against the eBay Accepted Payments policy for a seller to request payment using these methods. For more information about payments that are accepted on eBay, please go to:


eBay Customer Support



18 Май 2009

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