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***Adjustments to the Unpaid Item Process***



20 Мар 2004
6 675
***Adjustments to the Unpaid Item Process***
Date: 01/12/05 Time: 03:49:53 PM PST

We have made a few adjustments aimed at improving the Unpaid Item process. These include:

Changes to the Mutual Agreement process
"Mutual agreement" is one of the options available to sellers and buyers in the Unpaid Item process. When this option is used, the dispute is closed after the seller and buyer mutually agree not to complete the transaction.

In response to Community suggestions, eBay has made two adjustments to improve the way mutual agreements are handled and to ensure consistent and fair treatment for all members.

  • * Buyers will no longer receive an automatic unpaid item strike if they do not respond to a seller's offer of mutual agreement to not proceed with a transaction.

    * When sellers initiate an Unpaid Item dispute by sending an Unpaid Item reminder to the buyer and then they attempt to close the dispute by claiming mutual agreement, buyers will now be given the chance to agree or disagree with a seller's claim of mutual agreement. If the buyer confirms, the seller will receive credit for the Final Value Fee. If the buyer does not respond within 7 days, the seller can close the dispute and receive their Final Value Fee credit. However, if the buyer disagrees that there was mutual agreement, the seller will not receive the Final Value Fee credit.
Please note: We strongly encourage sellers to only use the "mutual agreement" option when they are certain that the buyer will verify the claim. Sellers still have 100% certainty of receiving their Final Value Fee credits if they send Unpaid Item reminders and do not close disputes using Mutual Agreement.

Unpaid Item status now available in Dispute Console
The Dispute Console will be updated to show the status of unpaid item strikes as they are given or removed. For more information on the Unpaid Item process and how sellers can minimize unpaid items through direct communication with buyers, please visit our Help page on the Unpaid Item process or the workshop on minimizing unpaid items.


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